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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Making Networking an ART, not an ACCIDENT ~ with Vern Schellenger

  • Mon, October 23, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.
  • 73


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 Making Networking an ART,


Multiple peer reviewed studies have proven that the #1 predictor of career success is an open network. Career success in terms of compensation, number of promotions and industry recognition. Contacts Count has researched every facet of building an open network for over 25 years. Our work resulted in the development of eight specific competencies we use to train individuals HOW to network.


Vern will introduce the Contacts Count approach to networking and how this approach can help you unleash the power of human connection! This session will focus on the first four competencies:

  • Adopt a Positive Networker Identity
  • Communicate Your Expertise
  • Engage Others
  • Taking a Strategic Approach

In this session you will learn:

  • What is a networker identity and how would you define your networker identity?
  • How to answer the What do you question in a new and different way.
  • How to use a simple storytelling technique to teach others about who you are and what is important to you.                                          
  • What does an iceberg have to do with building relationships?
  • Identify the reason(s) you want to build relationships.

Want a quick preview of your Networker Identity? Check out https://www.contactscount.com and take the 5-minute free assessment on the Home Page.

About the Speaker

Vern Schellenger is the President and CEO at Contacts Count LLC. Vern is an accomplished Human Resources and Learning and Development professional. He has held senior level positions both as an SVP of HR and as a Chief Learning Officer. He has worked with organizations as diverse as Dunkin Donuts, the American Chemistry Council, the American Bankers Association and Lee Hecht Harrison. He became a certified trainer for Contacts Count in 2006 and in 2021 bought the company.


Vern has helped numerous individuals – from undergraduates to CEOs improve their ability to build the relationships needed to improve their performance and achieve their

professional goals. Vern holds a master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational Change from George Washington University.

This will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.

By joining the Zoom session, you are consenting to be recorded. Recordings of 40Plus Zoom sessions may be used for promotional purposes.