5 Steps to Discover and Define
Your Career Genius Zone

Whether you are mid-career or a recent grad or even semi-retired, many of us find ourselves mulling over this question.
We have a degree from an exceptional school, but for many of us, our career steps may have been more responsive to opportunities presented or reactions to circumstances. Perhaps you like what you are doing but aren’t totally fulfilled. You may have a sense of “I should be doing something different, but I am not sure what.” Perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic has been a catalyst for you to rethink your core values and career path. Now might be the ideal time for you to take charge of your career path and be proactive.
Tracy Timm, CEO of Nth Degree(R) Academy will lead attendees through a unique and remarkably insightful process to understand:
- Am I in the right place?
- What is my niche and what are my super powers?
- What type of role, company and environment is best for me if I am going to achieve long-term satisfaction and fulfillment?
The career transition process typically has three phases. This session will focus on Phase 1. Many individuals when faced with a career transition, whether forced or voluntary, often jump right into the Phase 2 activities such as updating their resume, revising their LinkedIn profile, and consolidating their contact list. Others may even skip directly to Phase 3 activities such as calling on friends and colleagues, targeting specific people and companies, and responding to open positions. When individuals jump into these second and third phase activities, they neglect the more important and fundamental Phase 1 activities that involve answering the really hard questions such as “what do I really want to do with my life and career?”
In this webinar, Tracy will share components from her proven career clarity methodology, The Nth Degree®, which will allow anyone to master the necessary Phase 1 activities of discovering one’s true value, defining one’s professional genius zone, and driving one’s dream career into reality.
Join us for the timely and actionable session relevant to us all. Every participant will develop and solidify a strong foundation that will enable them to take the next steps in their career with clarity, confidence, and certainty.

Tracy Timm is the founder of The Nth Degree® Career Academy, the proven career clarity system that helps high-potential professionals discover, define, and drive careers they love. She has a degree in behavioral psychology from Yale University and studied design thinking with the founder of the d.school at Stanford University. Timm left a successful but unsatisfying career in finance, traveled once around the world on Semester at Sea, and discovered her ideal career. Timm, now living her dream as a sought-after career clarity expert, organizational advisor, speaker, and author, leads you through The Nth Degree® process: a proven, step-by-step strategy to achieve total career clarity. Timm is a lively, enthusiastic, and encouraging coach, whose guidance will help you go from stuck in your job to unstoppable in your career and life. For more than five years, she has applied these lessons in her career advisory work with hundreds of individuals and over one hundred fast-growing companies. Timm lives in Dallas, Texas.
Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.