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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Do What You Love: Discover Your Calling, Not Just Your Career! with SHIRA HARRINGTON

  • Mon, December 05, 2011
  • 9:30 AM
  • Tue, December 06, 2011
  • 12:23 PM
  • 40 Plus Office

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Monday Morning Speaker:  Do What You Love: Discover Your Calling, Not Just Your Career! with Shira Harrington

Why do you work? Is it for a paycheck, benefits, or to buy that beautiful new home? Is it to use your gifts and talents to contribute to a larger mission? Or is it for another reason entirely? Have you ever felt that employers seem to care more about WHAT you do rather than WHY you do it? Explore the purpose behind your career and ask the question: Am I doing what I’m meant to do? If not, how can I start the process of entering that new world? Shira Harrington, Founder & President of Purposeful Hire, Inc. is a veteran recruiter and now career consultant who is revolutionizing how and why job seekers and employers find each other. Get ready to answer questions that may forever change the way you look at your career.

For every hire, there is a purpose.


Shira Harrington's Bio

Shira Harrington, CPC, began her recruiting career in 1994 developing a search practice within the association industry and the human resources community. To enhance her expertise in association management search, she is an active volunteer leader in ASAE and The Center for Association Leadership (the American Society for Association Executives) and facilitates an executive peer roundtable entitled SAFE (Small Association Forum for Executives) which provides a forum for best practice sharing among small staff association executives. 

In addition, Shira plays an active role in the Washington, DC metropolitan human resources community. She has been the Vice President of Programs for the Human Resources Association of the National Capital Area; she is Programs Chair for the Human Resources Leadership Forum and she runs a monthly brown bag lunch for HR professionals in the nonprofit and association sectors. 

Shira also is a consultant and presenter on managing the multigenerational workforce. As a subject matter expert, she brings her extensive research and her unique, ‘real world’ perspective of the world at work to bridge the perceived gaps between the generations and prepare executives for the coming labor shortage. Differences in work ethic, life values, work-life expectations, teamwork, communication styles and relationship to authority are just some of the challenges facing employees of each generation.  Moreover, as Baby Boomers prepare to retire, employers are likely to be short-handed unless succession planning begins now.

Shira has presented her generational findings to both human resources audiences as well as to staff of every level. Speaking engagements have included: Adhesive and Sealant Council, America’s Promise Alliance, American Association of Community Colleges, American Chamber of Commerce Executives, American Payroll Association, Baltimore-Washington Chamber of Commerce, Center for Nonprofit Studies, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, DC Courts, Dulles SHRM, Finance and Administration Roundtable, General Investment, Human Resources Association of the National Capital Area (DC SHRM), Logos College, National Association of African Americans in Human Resources, National Association of Funeral Directors, National Wildlife Federation, Performance Institute, Ritz Carlton, and Windsor Property Management. 

Shira has been published in the monthly magazine of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, quoted in Federal Computer Weekly, profiled in the Washington Business Journal, interviewed in Bottom Line Briefing and is a contributing author to a new book, Motivating the Millennial Knowledge Worker.
Shira earned a Masters degree in Public Relations with a focus on employee communications from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Attire is business casual, recruiters are often present, so we ask all Monday Speaker attendees to contribute to the professional standards and objectives of this important networking meeting.

Doors open at 9:15 for networking and the program starts promptly at 10:00.

40Plus of Greater Washington
1718 P Street, NW, Suite T2
Washington, DC 20036

near the DuPont Circle Metro, use the South exit.

Directions to 40Plus

40Plus of Greater Washington
Empowering Experienced Professionals
 for Successful Career Transitions