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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Wendy Swire: Using the Anytime Coaching Model in Times of Change

  • Mon, November 21, 2011
  • 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • 1718 P Street, NW, T-2, Washington, DC 20036

Monday Morning Speaker: Wendy Swire on

Using the Anytime Coaching Model in Times of Change

Managing through professional and personal transitions or entering periods of extensive change requires the use of multiple resources and approaches. During her presentation, Wendy Swire, author and creator of “Anytime Coaching” will use the model explained in her new book to help attendees create a positive environment and assist in building fundamental communication practices to navigate through the change. The Anytime Coaching model is grounded in scientific research in neuroscience, emotional intelligence, leadership development, human resource management, organizational development and positive psychology, as well as Ms. Swire’s years of experience coaching executives in change management.

The Anytime Coaching approach presented by the author will help participants better understand four core, interrelated interpersonal practices (observing, inquiring, listening and responding). The model also helps to strengthen one’s self-awareness and self-development during challenging times of transition. Ms. Swire’s energetic, interactive presentation style will provide 40 Plus attendees ideas and techniques to get the best from yourselves and others. Learning the Anytime Coach approach to change will also be beneficial within the workplace when managing teams and employees.

When she is not coaching leaders through change issues, Ms. Swire loves spending time with her two sons, practicing yoga, singing and spending as much time as she can outdoors..

Biography – Wendy Sherwin Swire

  Wendy Sherwin Swire speaks to large and small groups around world on a wide range of topics from leadership dynamics and team development to change management and conflict resolution to her current passion, the Anytime Coaching model, which empowers managers to unleash employee performance one day at a time.   Anytime Coaching is the title of Swire’s recent book and the subject of her article in the Spring 2010 issue of The Public Manager periodical.

An engaging and inspiring speaker, Swire was a US government international economist and Wall Street banker before founding Swire Solution, an executive coaching, training, leadership development and conflict resolution firm in 1994.  She takes a resoundingly positive approach to managing through change, leveraging the positive attributes of employees and of day-to-day workplace interactions. Her methods are grounded in scientific research in neuroscience, emotional intelligence, leadership development, human resource management, organizational development and positive psychology, as well as her experience in government, banking and executive coaching.

 A graduate of the Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Program, Swire is a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation, who has extensive experience working with leaders at all levels, from CEOs, Senior Vice Presidents, US Government Senior Executive Service (SES) to middle managers and emerging/high potential and millennial leaders. Swire speaks Spanish fluently and works with cross-cultural audiences teaching leadership and management in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Europe, as well as across the United States. 

Swire works with the public, private and governmental sectors.  Her clients have included Capital One, Constellation Energy, Lockheed Martin, Management Concepts, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Wells Fargo Internet Services, he General Accountability Office, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Energy, US Department of Health and Human Services, US Department of Defense, US Department of Interior, US Agency for International Development, Search for Common Ground, Save the Children and the World Bank.

Swire is an Adjunct Professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Graduate School of Business, and   was trained in conflict resolution at Harvard Law School where she was subsequently hired as a research and teaching assistant at Harvard's Program on Negotiation. 
She is a certified mediator for the Supreme Court of Virginia and for the Prince George’s 7th Circuit Court and various federal government EEOC/employment mediation programs.  Swire is also a founding board member of the Conflict Resolution Center of Montgomery County and worked on the Maryland State ADR Commission.

She earned her Master's Degree from the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy of Tufts and Harvard Universities, and received her Bachelor's degree cum laude in international relations from Mount Holyoke College. 

 For more information, visit www.swiresolutions.com or contact Lee Allen of Outreach Elements at lrallendc@comcast.net.


Plan to join us after the meeting for networking. Many of us carry our conversations to lunch at the nearby Brookings Institution.

Attire is business casual, recruiters are often present, so we ask all Monday Speaker attendees to contribute to the professional standards and objectives of this important networking meeting.

Doors open at 9:30 for networking and the program starts promptly at 10:00.

40Plus of Greater Washington
1718 P Street, NW, Suite T2
Washington, DC 20036

near the DuPont Circle Metro, use the South exit

Directions to 40Plus

40Plus of Greater Washington
Empowering Experienced Professionals
for Successful Career Transitions