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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Leadership Presence: Sending All the Right Signals ~ with Carol Kinsey Goman

  • Mon, November 23, 2020
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.


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Leadership Presence: Sending All the Right Signals

Leadership presence is a blending of personal and interpersonal skills that, when combined, sends all the right signals. It’s that elusive quality that makes you STAND OUT in an interview.

• It's projecting confidence and keeping your poise under pressure.

• It’s presenting ideas decisively, assertively, and succinctly.

• It’s optimizing the impact of body language.

• It's the ability to bring your authentic charismatic self into every encounter.

That's what it is. Here is what leadership presence is not:

1. It’s not an attribute that is automatically assigned to you because of your intelligence, technical skills, job title, or i

2. It’s not necessarily reflective of your true qualities and abilities.

Instead, leadership presence depends entirely on how other people evaluate you. The key to developing leadership presence is to realize that it is all about impression management. As one successful leader told me: “You need to show up each day the way you want to be perceived – which is simple to say, but difficult to accomplish unless you do your homework and really know yourself.”

Backed by neuroscience and based on research from Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, MIT Media Lab, and Columbia School of Business, this highly engaging session gives participants tips and strategies they can put into action immediately.


Carol Kinsey Goman is an international keynote speaker and consultant on body language and leadership presence for corporations, conventions, universities, and government agencies in 32 countries.

As an executive coach, Carol helps clients communicate verbally and non-verbally to display leadership presence by projecting confidence, credibility, composure, connection, and charisma.

Carol is a leadership contributor for Forbes.com and the creator of LinkedIn Learning's best-selling video course, “Body Language for Leaders,” with over 2 million views. Her latest book is STAND OUT: How to Build Your Leadership Presence.

She’s been a therapist in private practice, a nightclub entertainer, and a majorette for the 49er football team -- but not in that order.

For more information, please email Carol@CarolKinseyGoman.com or visit https://CarolKinseyGoman.com.


Due to the continuing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, this will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.